- Scaling up new product and coating methodology.
- Identified and outlined methods to achieve savings of about $ 1 million per year for an electronic chemical client.
- Quadrupled capacity and reduced manufacturing cost by 40% for fluoro-polymers and surfactants at minimal investment.
- Commercializing a technology that allows production of "colored liquids" without taking a sample "off-line" (traditional method) resulting in 15-25 % profitability improvement in GDP equivalent growth industries.
- Reduced batch cycle time at a coating operation by 80% using a commercially available non-conventional technology that is about 25% of the cost of conventional technology.
- Completed a global corrosion inhibitor study for a global multinational chemical company.
- Identified potential savings of $750,000 for a Specialty Chemical company.
- Developed and commercialized trivalent chrome corrosion inhibitors.
- Developed and optimized electroplating chemical processes saving 25% cost.
- Improved operating efficiency of a waste treatment plant by 40% without any investment.
- Established global leadership by developing strategic alliances in digital imaging at 50% gross margin.
- Improved product development process to reduce time to market to three months from nine months for a self-adhesive product line.
- Maximized global patent protection and coverage to achieve exclusive relationship with customers.
- Tracked and evaluated self adhesive and digital imaging technologies and recommend business opportunities.
- Conceptualized and directed development of a single ply battery label with on battery tester.
- Rationalized and reduced Dutch Boy Brands SKU's by 14% and identified 30% SKU reduction without loss of any business.
- Conceived and commercialized a unique "convenience" home repair package for the retail market.
- Conducted due diligence to acquire pilot plant for Sherwin Williams.
- Conceptualized and demonstrated continuous paint manufacturing process producing consistent quality paint leading to raw material consolidation and lower cost.
- Conceptualized, developed, tested, and implemented a semi-continuous paint manufacturing process that reduced costs by 40%.
- Managed program to recycle obsolete paint to new products and other uses.
- Managed chemical plant profitability from -3.7% to 7% in two years, by improving site revenue, productivity, and reducing manufacturing costs and inventories.
- Implemented processing changes to double resin capacity and reduced operating time by 40% without any investment.
- Reduced manufacturing cost of an antioxidant and saved $3.5 million.
- Reduced antioxidant cost by 30% and doubled capacity without any capital investment.
- Established quality circles; increased capacity without capital and saved over $500,000 per year.
- Increased chemical intermediate capacity by 75% with a $40,000 investment, adding $1 million per year to factory profit.
- Introduced operating procedures to improve corrosion inhibitor product quality resulting in doubling business.
- Implemented Six Sigma type operating methods and procedures in 1979-80 to improve corrosion inhibitor capacity and quality resulting in doubling business.
- Developed hydrocarbon emission standards for State of Illinois.
- Developed Air pollution permit system for State of Illinois.